Monday, March 19, 2007

A note from Earl

One of the topics brought up at Sunday's meeting were the booklets recently received by Synod delegates, containing information about so-called "rescue"ministries aimed at "curing" gay and lesbian people of their homosexuality through religious intervention. The Rev. Canon Joyce Sanchez has given links to two websites, Zacchaeus, and the Anglican Essentials Federation, so that we can be more informed about what these groups are up to and discuss how to address their arguments. She and other delegates ask for our feedback.


Anonymous said...

I have nothing sympathetic to say about any of these so-called rescue ministries. I think (and many victims concur) that they are psychologically and emotionally damaging as well as being totally without theological basis; they play to the worst anti-scientific instincts of the conservatives. The person who named all the sex acts at Gene's consecration is involved with rescue ministries in the U.S. I feel there is a purient/pornographic aspect to this as well, and may indicate sexual repression and/or struggle with the speaker's own sexual identity.

Basically, though, we're not going to change the minds of the most conservative people. My personal view is that it's best to quote the most recent scientific evidence, and move on to speak about life, inclusion, and wholeness to moderates and progressives.

Here is a good article about recent research, maybe some of this would be helpful:

Neil Swidey, What Makes People Gay? The Boston Globe, Aug 4, 2005

Anonymous said...

On this general topic...I was recently informed of the existence of a website dealing with
statistics on homosexuality that some might find useful. It's called Box
Turtle Bulletin:

"The mission of Box Turtle Bulletin is to serve you - whether you are gay,
straight, bisexual or questioning - by providing well documented and
accurate information that you can rely on. We intend to not only be a
valuable resource for the many issues facing gays, lesbians, their families
and friends, but to refute as much misinformation as possible. We are
especially interested in serving:

1. Those who are questioning their sexuality and are concerned about
some of the misinformation that they are hearing.
2. Those who are friends or relatives of someone who is gay or lesbian,
and are seeking accurate and reliable information about the issues facing
3. Those who support equal rights for gays and lesbians and seek
accurate, reliable information on which to base their arguments.
4. Those who oppose equal rights for gays and lesbians, but wish to
avoid the pitfalls of the massive misinformation coming from all sides of
the issues - from gay-rights opponents as well as gay-rights advocates."

Scott (of "Equal Rites)